Convocatorias Pilotos

Binter busca Pilotos para su flota ATR

Requisitos mínimos

- Licencia ATPL o CPL, EASA.

- Reconocimiento Médico clase 1 EASA

- Competencia Lingüística mínimo Inglés Nivel 4 y Castellano Nivel 4.

- Valorable habilitación en ATR.


Cygnus busca COPILOTOS para flota B757.


  • Tener licencia EASA 
  • Certificado medico clase 1
  • Pasaporte europeo valido
  • Tener 500 horas en  avión de mas de 10 Toneladas o mas de 100 sectores.


Iberia busca Pilotos


  • Nivel mínimo de estudios: Prueba de acceso a la universidad aprobada o estudios finalizados que permitan el acceso a la universidad.
  • Cualificación mínima: ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC.
  • Mínimo 500 horas de vuelo totales. Ejerciendo en el momento de la presentación de la solicitud funciones de piloto en avión con certificación CS -25 o equivalente.
  • Certificado de competencia lingüística en Inglés mínimo nivel 4 y Castellano nivel 5.
  • Derecho a trabajar en la Unión Europea y pasaporte sin restricciones.
  • Certificado de antecedentes penales.
  • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
  • Altura: mínima 157 cm y máxima de 191 cm.

Se valorará:

  • ATPL (A) sin restricción.
  • Habilitaciones.
  • Título universitario
  • Experiencia aeronáutica


Vueling are looking for First Officers.


To became in a Vueling's pilot should meet the following requirements:

  • Be a co-pilot with a Spanish EASA licence (will be required before the start of the Operator Conversion Course).
  • Class 1 medical certificate.
  • English language proficiency Level 4 ICAO or higher (will be required prior to the commencement of the Operator Conversion Course).
  • ATPL (frozen or unfrozen).
  • 200 factorized Vueling hours.


Plus Ultra busca Copilotos A330.


* A minimum of 500 hours or 100 sectors (not including simulator time) on a ZFTT qualifying aircraft.

* Flying experience on your current aircraft type within the past 12 months.

* Current EASA ATPL(A) frozen.

* EASA Class 1 medical certificate with at least 6 months validity remaining from date of joining (If a valid Part-Med Class 1 is not currently held it must be obtained before date of joining).

* ICAO Level 4 proficiency in SPANISH language

* ICAO Level 4 proficiency in ENGLISH language

* A valid passport (with minimum of 12 months before expiry date) allowing unrestricted worldwide travel.

* The right to work and live in EU.

* "As a proof of professionalism only apply if you meet the requirements"


* Preference will be given to candidates who hold a current type rating on AIRBUS FBW with experience on type


Binter busca copilotos para Embraer E2

Requisitos mínimos

  • Estar en posesión al menos del Teórico del título de piloto de transporte de líneas aéreas (ATPL), o título de piloto comercial (CPL), o licencia de piloto con tripulación de vuelo múltiple (MPL), habilitación de vuelo instrumental (IR) en vigor y un certificado de realización del curso MCC o equivalente.
  • Cumplir con los datos de idoneidad operativa (OSD) para la habilitación de tipo de la aeronave a operar, tanto si el curso de habilitación de tipo es combinado con el entrenamiento de conversión del operador como si acceden al operador con una habilitación de tipo de cualquiera de las aeronaves que opera Binter Airlines.
  • Contar con las horas de vuelo exigidas para la obtención de la licencia CPL;
    En caso de licencia MPL contar 70 horas de vuelo:
    - 1) como piloto al mando, o
    - 2) acumular al menos 10 horas como piloto al mando y el tiempo de vuelo adicional como piloto al mando bajo supervisión (PICUS).
  • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
  • Haber sido evaluado, de acuerdo con los requisitos aplicables del anexo IV (Parte MED) del Reglamento (UE) nº 1178/2011, como física y mentalmente aptos para llevar a cabo sus funciones y para desempeñar sus responsabilidades con seguridad.
  • Tener pasaporte de un país miembro de la Unión Europea con una vigencia superior a 6 meses.
  • Tener al menos competencia lingüística OACI nivel 4 en inglés y nivel 5 en castellano.
  • Estar libre de antecedentes penales en los últimos 5 años.



    New cargo airlines.

    They are looking for Airbus 330 Captains, Senior First Officers and First Officers to join on permanent contract terms.

    They are setting up a cargo airline based in Central Europe, launching 2x A330F operations in Q1 2025.

    For pilots with experience on the A320, they offer CCQ on the A330.

    For pilots without A320/A330 type qualification, acceptance into training is possible with a bond and reimbursement of 50% of type rating cost over 2 years after completing initial line check.

    Minimum Requirements Captains

    • Valid or Renewable A330 Type Rating, Minimum 500 hours PIC on type, TRI/E are welcome
    • Or - Minimum 2,000 hours as Pilot In Command on the A320 for A330 CCQ transition (preferred TRI/TRE endorsement on A320)
    • English Language Proficiency Level 5 or higher

    Minimum Requirements Senior First Officers

    • Valid or renewable A330 Type rating with 500 hours on type
    • OR – A320 valid rating with 500 hrs PIC on A320
    • OR – minimum 3,000 hrs on aircraft with +20 tons MTOW including min 1,500 hours as PIC
    • .English Language Proficiency Level 5 or higher

    Minimum Requirements First Officer A320 / A330 rated

    • Valid or Renewable A330 Type Rating
    • Or - Minimum 300 hours as First Officer on the A320 and total 500 in commercial operations, for A330 CCQ transition.
    • English Language Proficiency Level 4

    Minimum Requirements non type rated First Officers

    • Valid (or previously held) type rating on aircraft with more than 20 tons MTOW
    • Minimum 2,500 hrs total time of which are at least 1,500 hours on aircraft 20+ tons MTOW

    General requirements

    • European Passport / unrestricted permit to live and work in the EU
    • EASA License, Valid Class 1 Medical
    • Able to obtain different crew visas (China, US)
    • Able to pass background check latest at the start of the OCC


    Air Europa busca Copilotos para sus B737.

    Requisitos mínimos

  • Cualificación mínima ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC.
  • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
  • Certificado de competencia lingüística en inglés nivel 4 (mínimo) y en castellano nivel 6.
  • Permiso de trabajo para la Unión Europea.
  • Pasaporte en vigor sin restricciones.
  • Certificado de antecedentes penales que acredite la carencia de los mismos.
  • PBN/IR.
  • Se valorará habilitación de tipo B737, experiencia en el tipo y formación universitaria.


    Iberojet busca Copilotos A330-350


    • Disponer de Licencia ATPL, EASA.
    • Disponer del certificado médico Clase 1 en vigor.
    • Habilitación de tipo de A330/A350, o A320 o A340.
    • Horas de vuelo: 500 horas mínimo en A330/A350 o 1000 horas mínimo en A320 o A340.
    • Competencia lingüística: español nivel 6 e inglés como mínimo nivel 4.
    • Flexibilidad para adaptarse a cualquier situación y vocación para trabajar en equipo.


    FIRST OFFICER ( Non Type-Rated )

    • Min age 21 years, max age 39 years + 364 days when starting the ground course,
    • Min CPL (A)/IR (A) license and IR on multi-engine aircraft,
    • MCC course completed (if not, this course shall be completed prior to commence type rating training),
    • Valid Advanced UPRT certificate,
    • ATPL (A) theoretical knowledge exams passed,
    • PART-MED class 1 medical,
    • High School/Gymnasium graduation or equivalent,
    • No administrative penalty from DGCA or related civil aviation authority,
    • English language proficiency min ICAO level 4 and Company English valid test result, Required scores, which are recieved within the last 2 years, are given in below table for your reference;


    Fly2sky is looking for A320 Pilots.


    • • Valid EASA ATPL or CPL (ATPL frozen license);
    • • Class 1 medical;
    • • Minimum English ICAO level 4;
    • Type Rating A320

    Please submit your CV, license and medical to the following email: 

    Dat is looking Captains and First Officer A320.


    • Right to work and live in EU
    • Valid A320 type rating
    • For Captains: 500 hours as PIC excluding simulator, PICUS, and line training.
    • For First Officers: No hour limit
    • English Language proficiency – minimum Level 4


    Flyyo is looking A320 Pilots

    Benefits Package:

    • 20/10 commuting pattern
    • Fix/guarantee of pay during winter and summer seasons
    • 4-star HOTAC and flights provided for each rotation

    Role Requirements:

    • Valid EASA Part-FCL license with ATPL theory knowledge
    • Valid A320 type rating
    • Valid EASA Class 1 medical
    • Minimum ICAO level 4 English proficiency
    • Last flight on A320 within the last 12 months
    • Right to live and work in the EU
    • Criminal free record


    • Minimum 500 hours PIC on A320 type
    • Minimum 3,000 hours total time

    First Officers:

    • Minimum 200 hours on A320 type


    Air Europa Express busca Copilotos.

    Requisitos mínimos

  • Cualificación mínima ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC.
  • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
  • Certificado de competencia lingüística en inglés nivel 4 (mínimo) y en castellano nivel 6.
  • Permiso de trabajo para la Unión Europea.
  • Pasaporte en vigor sin restricciones.
  • Certificado de antecedentes penales que acredite la carencia de los mismos.
  • PBN/IR.
  • Se valorará habilitación de tipo B737 y formación universitaria.


    World2fly busca Copilotos A330-A350


    • Cualificación mínima: ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC.
    • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
    • Certificado de competencia lingüística en Inglés mínimo nivel 4 
    • Habilitación A330/A350


    Smartlynx is looking NON RATED First Officers.


    • Valid EASA FCL
    • Valid ME/IR, including PBN qualification
    • Valid EASA Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • Minimum ICAO Level 4 of English language proficiency
    • Clean Criminal Record
    • Available for world-wide operation
    • Minimum Flying experience

    At least 500 BLH (SIM excluded) in aircrafts above 10.000 MTOW


    Vueling is looking for First Officers


    To become a Vueling First officer you should meet the following requirements:

    • Be a co-pilot with a Spanish EASA licence (will be required before the start of the Operator Conversion Course).
    • Class 1 medical certificate
    • English language proficiency Level 4 ICAO or higher (will be required prior to the commencement of the Operator Conversion Course)
    • ATPL (frozen or unfrozen)

    In addition, previous experience in terms of flight hours and/or currently operating one of the following Airbus models: A320, A330 or A340 will be an advantage.


    Condor is looking for Captains and First Officers Rated A330 

    Qualifications CAPTAINS:

    • Shall hold EASA recognized ATPL with A330 rating
    • Minimum 4000 hours flying experience on aircraft over 20t MTOW
    • Minimum 1000 hours PIC on A330
    • English language with minimum ICAO level 4
    • German language skills not required for recruitment. However, willingness to learn German language is desired


    Qualifications FIRST OFFICERS:

    • Shall hold EASA recognized ATPL with A330 rating
    • Minimum 500 hours flying experience on A330
    • English language with minimum ICAO level 4
    • German language skills not required for recruitment. However, willingness to learn German language is desired


    Norwegian is looking for Pilots


    • You have a valid EASA ATPL (A) 
    • You hold a Class 1 Medical certificate
    • You have valid type rating B737 300-900
    • You have a clean criminal record or accident, and able to pass 5- year security check.
    • You have legal right to live and work in the EU/EEC region
    • You have an ELP level 5 or higher
    • You hold an unrestricted passport offering visa free entry to our destinations.


    Binter busca Pilotos para sus bases en Canarias.

    Requisitos mínimos

    - Licencia ATPL o CPL, EASA.

    - Reconocimiento Médico clase 1 EASA

    - Competencia Lingüística mínimo Inglés Nivel 4 y Castellano Nivel 4.

    - Valorable habilitación y horas en nuestra flota.


    A320 Captain and First Officers (Type Rated/Non-type Rated) - Simulator Assessment in Paris.

    First Officer (A320 Rated)


    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Minimum 500 flying hours of which 500 hours must be on-type
    • Holder of a valid Multi-Engine ICAO CPL (gained without exemptions) with Instrument Rating acceptable by HKCAD
    • A valid Radiotelephony Operator's license
    • A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English level 4 and above
    • For CPL holder, a minimum of 5 hours Night Cross Country Hours as PIC

    First Officer (Non-Type Rated)


    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Minimum 1000 flying hours of which 500 hours must be on an aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of more than 5,670kg driven by turbines, and used for commercial aviation or
    • Minimum 1000 hours of which 500 hours on the corporate jet; or
    • Minimum 2000 hours of which 500 hours on civil registered transport aircraft certificated for multi-crew operations
    • Holder of a valid Multi-Engine ICAO CPL (gained without exemptions) with Instrument Rating acceptable by HKCAD
    • A valid Radiotelephony Operator's license
    • A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English level 4 and above
    • For CPL holder, a minimum of 5 hours Night Cross Country Hours as PIC


    Captain (A320 Rated)


    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Minimum 3000 flying hours with 500 PIC hours on type within the last 5 years; Have a minimum total of 1000 PIC hours on Multi-Engine Jet or Turbine Aircraft
    • A minimum of 2500 hours in multi-crew operation
    • Holder of a valid Multi-Engine ICAO ATPL with Instrument Rating accepted by HKCAD
    • A valid Radiotelephony Operator's license
    • A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English level 4 and above

    Captain (Non-Type Rated)


    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Minimum 3000 flying hours with 1000 PIC hours on Multi-Engine Jet or Turbine Aircraft; 500 PIC hours of flying experience should be civil registered transport aircraft certificated for multi-crew operations
    • A minimum of 2500 hours in multi-crew operation
    • Holder of a valid Multi-Engine ICAO ATPL with Instrument Rating accepted by HKCAD
    • A valid Radiotelephony Operator's license
    • A valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English level 4 and above


    Air Baltic is looking for Pilots (NTR) .

    Minimum Requirements


    • EASA Part - FCL CPL ot ATPL license
    • EASA Part-FCL Medical Class 1
    • EU Citizenship
    • ICAO English level 5
    • At least 300 hours of Commercial Air Transport operations with EFIS, FMA and FMS systems- MTOW at least 5.7 tons
    • Clear criminal record



    • Minimum of 2750 hours of Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations on modern aircraft with EFIS, FMA and FMS systems;
    • Minimum of 1500 hours on CS25 (MTOW >5,7t);
    • EU citizenship or valid EU residence and unrestricted work permit;
    • Valid EASA Medical Class 1;
    • Valid EU FCL CPL or ATPL license;
    • ICAO English 4 or higher;
    • Clean Criminal Record;
    • Excellent standards in communication;
    • High level of professionalism, self-motivation and commitment to the highest standards of safety and responsibility.


    Heston are looking First Officers without experience.


    • Hold a valid EASA Part-FCL frozen ATPL;
    • Hold valid A320, IR PBN ratings (issued within the last 12 months).
    • ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 4 or more.
    • Class I medical certificate issued in accordance with PART-MED requirements;
    • EU citizenship and passport allowing unlimited travel.


    Air Dolomiti are looking for First Officers NON Rated.


    • Valid EASA ATPL (A) or CPL (A)/IR with ATPL credit (ATPL frozen) or MPL (A) without operator bonding;
    • Multi Engine/IR (A) rating;
    • Multi Crew Coordination (MCC) course;
    • Advanced UPRT Training according EASA.FCL.745.A (in case of first type rating);
    • Good oral and written command of English language (ICAO Level 4 English language proficiency or higher);
    • Current Class 1 Medical Certificate.


    Heston are looking for Captains and First Officers A330

    Requirements FIRST OFFICER:

    • Hold a valid EASA Part-FCL frozen ATPL; 
    • Hold valid A320, IR PBN ratings;
    • ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 4; Level 6 preferred
    • Class I medical certificate issued in accordance with PART-MED requirements;
    • Preferable 500 hours on A320 Aircraft (Pilots with less hours could be considered depending on their performance during the selection process);
    • EU citizenship and passport allowing unlimited travel.



    • EASA ATPL with PIC A330, IR/PBN ratings
    • PIC A320 Rating an advantage
    • Class I medical certificate issued in accordance with Part-MED requirements
    • Minimum 5500 total hours on multi pilot aircraft with a MTOW of 50000 kg or more
    • Minimum 4000 hours on Airbus FBW Aircraft
    • Minimum 1000 PIC hours on A330 Aircraft
    • Minimum 2500 Hours PIC on multi pilot aircraft with a MTOW of 50000 kg or more
    • Additional min 500 Hours PIC on A320 an advantage
    • Previous ETOPS Experience mandatory
    • EU citizenship and passport allowing unlimited travel
    • English Language Proficiency Level 5, Level 6 preferred
    • A330 TRI/TRE experience is an advantage


    Vietjet are looking for Captains and First Officer A330.

    Requirements FIRST OFFICERS

    1. Flight time requirements (minimum):

    • All Aircraft: 3,000hrs
    • A330: 1,500hrs

    2. General requirements:
    • Maximum age 63 (Male) and 58 (Female)
    • Valid ATPL with current A320F / A330 type rating
    • Certificate of Upset Recovery Training in Full Flight Simulator
    • Valid Instrument Rating and Aircraft Rating
    • Last flight on A330 must be within 06 months during the licensing period
    • Valid Class 1 Medical
    • Letter of authentication from the Civil Aviation Authority of CPL/ATPL's country of origin (with Name and email address of CAA Licensing Officer)
    • Recommendation Letter / Release Letter from previous airlines
    • Criminal Record within 6 months (notarized by Vietnam embassy from country of origin)
    • No history of Accident / Incident within 5 years
    • Last 5 pages of logbook
    • ICAO English Level 4 or higher
    • Passport scan with 01 year validity


    Requirements CAPTAINS

    1. Flight time requirements (minimum):

    • All aircraft: 6,000hrs
    • A330: 2,500hrs as PIC and 500hrs on type

    2. General requirements:

    • Maximum age 63 (Male) and 58 (Female
    • Valid ATPL with current A320F / A330 type rating
    • Certificate of Upset Recovery Training in Full Flight Simulator
    • Valid Instrument Rating and Aircraft Rating
    • Last flight on type must be within 12 months for Captains during the licensing period
    • Valid Class 1 Medical (According to Vietnam Aviation Regulations)
    • Letter of authentication from the Civil Aviation Authority of CPL/ATPL's country of origin (with Name and email address of CAA Licensing Officer)
    • Recommendation Letter / Release Letter from previous airlines
    • Criminal Record within 6 months (notarized by Vietnam embassy from country of origin)
    • No history of Accident / Incident within 5 years
    • Last 5 pages of logbook
    • ICAO English Level 4 or higher
    • Passport scan with 01-year validity


    Getjet are looking Captains and First Officers

    Requirements FIRST OFFICER:

    • Minimum 500 hours on type (A320) OR Minimum 500 hours on B737 300-900;
    • Valid EASA Part-FCL licence with ATPL theory knowledge;
    • Valid A320 type rating OR Valid B737 300-900 type rating and B737 NG experience;
    • Valid Class 1 medical;
    • Minimum ICAO level 4 English proficiency;
    • Right to live and work in EU;
    • Criminal free record.


    Requirements CAPTAINS:

    • Minimum 500 hours on type as Captain (A320);
    • Minimum 3000 hours in total (A320)
    • Minimum 4000 hours total time (B737)
    • Minimum 1000 Command hours on B737 300-900;
    • Valid EASA Part-FCL licence;
    • Valid A320 type rating; OR Valid B737 300-900 type rating and B737 NG experience;
    • Valid Class 1 medical;
    • Minimum ICAO level 4 English proficiency;
    • Right to live and work in EU;
    • Criminal free record.


    Etihad are looking Captains and First Officers A320 and Non rated B777 First Officers.

    Qualifications FIRST OFFICER A320

    • A minimum of 2500 hours total flying time.
    • A minimum of 1500 hours on multi crew, glass cockpit (1) or high performance military jet
    • 500 hours should be on one of the A320 Family.
    • ICAO current and unrestricted ATPL. We do not accept Frozen ATPL unless held by a UAE citizen.
    • Current on A320.
    • Unrestricted, current Class 1 medical.
    • Maximum age limit is 45 years old.
    • English Language Fluency ( written and verbal ) Level 4 or better
    • In case of hours accumalated on flights with inflight relief, 75% of the total hours shall be counted towards the required minimums.


    Qualifications CAPTAINS A320:

    • A minimum of 5500 hours total flying time.
    • A minimum of 2500 PIC hours on multi crew, glass cockpit (1) jet aircraft.
    • A minimum of 1500 PIC hours on one of the A320 Family types.
    • Unrestricted and current ICAO ATPL.
    • Current on A320
    • Unrestricted and current Class 1 medical.
    • Must not have attained the age of 55 years old upon the date of joining
    • Current TRE/TRI is an advantage
    • English Language Fluency ( written and verbal ) Level 4 or better
    • In case of hours accumulated on flights with inflight relief, 75% of the total hours shall be counted towards the required minimums


    Qualifications FIRST OFFICER B777 NON RATED:

    • A minimum of 2500 hours total flying time.
    • A minimum of 1500 hours on multi crew, glass cockpit or high performance military jet
    • 500 hours should be on any Boeing aircraft
    • Current onany Boeing aircraft
    • ICAO current and unrestricted ATPL. We do not accept Frozen ATPL unless held by a UAE citizen
    • Unrestricted, current Class 1 medical.
    • Maximum age limit is 45 years old.
    • English Language Fluency ( written and verbal ) Level 4 or better
    • In case of hours accumulated on flights with inflight relief, 75% of the total hours shall be counted towards the required minimums


    Susi Air is currently looking for First Officers non rated C208B.


    • ICAO CPL
    • ICAO Class 1 flight crew medical certificate
    • ICAO Level 4 proficiency in English language or higher.


    Hong Kong Ailrines is looking for First Officers A320 and A330.

    Minimum Requirements -Type Rated Pilot

    A320 First Officer - Type Rated

    • Hold a valid ICAO ATPL or CPL (frozen ATPL)
    • Hold a valid Class One Medical Certificate
    • Hold a valid Multi-Engine Instrument Rating
    • 1,000 hours of flying experience on aircraft above 10,000kgs
    • 500 hours on A320
    • Last flown within 12 months on A320 for foreign licence holder (for HKCAD ATPL/CPL holder AR/IR have not expired for more than 5 years)

    A330 First Officer - Type Rated

    • Hold a valid ICAO ATPL or CPL (frozen ATPL)
    • Hold a valid Class One Medical Certificate
    • Hold a valid Multi-Engine Instrument Rating
    • 1,000 hours of flying experience on aircraft above 10,000kgs
    • 500 hours on A330
    • Last flown within 12 months on A330 for foreign licence holder (for HKCAD ATPL/CPL holder AR/IR have not expired for more than 5 years)


    Heston Airlines are looking Captains and First Officers A320.


    • Hold a valid EASA Part-FCL frozen ATPL;
    • Hold valid A320, IR PBN ratings;
    • ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 4; Level 6 preferred
    • Class I medical certificate issued in accordance with PART-MED requirements;
    • A minimum of 500 hours on A320 Aircraft, would consider pilots with a bit less hours as well,; (FIRST OFFICERS)
    • Minimum 3000 hours on Airbus FBW Aircraft, Minimum 1000 hours on A320 Aircraft (CAPTAINS)
    • EU citizenship and passport allowing unlimited travel.

    in the question: How did you find this application? , do not forget to write TRIPULANTES AEREOS TA



    Volotea are looking for Rated Captains and First Officer and Non rated Captains.



    • Valid EASA FCL CPL/Frozen ATPL
    • Valid Airbus A320 Type Rating
    • Valid unrestricted Class 1 medical
    • Preference will be given to applicants with +300 hours on the A320
    • English language fluency - minimum ICAO level 4
    • EU passport




    • Valid EASA FCL ATPL and unrestricted Class 1 Medical.
    • Minimum 5000 hours Total Flight Time and
    • Minimum 3.000 hours in a Turboprop (MTOW above 20.000 Kg) or 2.500 hours on a Jet (MTOW above 30.000 Kg)
    • Minimum 2.500 hours as PIC on Turboprop (MTOW above 20 Tn) or 1.500 hours as PIC on a Jet (MTOW above 30 Tn)
    • Last flight within the last 12 months, at time of application
    • No history of accident/incident
    • English language fluency - minimum ICAO level 4
    • Valid EU Passport




    • Valid EASA FCL ATPL and unrestricted Class 1 Medical
    • Minimum experience of 4000 flight hours of which minimum 500 flight hours as PIC on Airbus family aircraft
    • Applicant must have an A320 type rating listed on their license
    • Last commercial flight within the last 12 months at time of application
    • No history of accident/incident
    • English language proficiency - minimum ICAO level 4
    • Valid EU Passport


    DHL are looking A330 First Officers to be based in Germany.

    Qualifications required:

    • Valid EASA Part-FCL ATPL (A) or
    • Valid EASA Part-FCL CPL (A), ATPL Theory Credit, incl. HPL
    • Valid MEP / IR Rating
    • MCC - Certificate
    • Valid EASA Part-FCL Medical Certificate Class 1
    • Completion certificate of training course specified in FCL.745.A. Advanced UPRT course
    • EU - Citizen and / or working permit for Germany with valid passport without restriction
    • Valid Driver's Licence
    • At least Fachhochschulreife (or European equivalent High School degree)


    Smartlynx are looking First Officers type rated A320, A330 or B 737 NG/MAX.


    • Valid EASA Member State issued ATPL(A) license;
    • Valid ME/IR, including PBN qualification;
    • Valid EASA Member State issued Class 1 Medical Certificate;
    • EU-passport or permit to work in Europe
    • Minimum ICAO Level 4 of English language proficiency;
    • Clean Criminal Record;
    • Available for world-wide operation;
    • Current A320, A330 or B737 NG/MAX Type Rating with minimum 500 block hours on type




    Cathay Pacific are calling for selection process.

    Apply today!


    Apply now to become a Hong Kong-based Second Officer if you meet the following requirements:

    • Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with a Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR) and same state ATPL examinations credits - obtained without exemption or conversion
      * CPL holder, must be eligible for HKCPL on conversion according to DCA607
    • Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR)
    • Minimum 250 hours of flying experience
    • Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English language proficiency Level 4 or above
    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Hong Kong Permanent Resident will be given priority consideration

    Apply now


    Apply now to become a Hong Kong-based First Officer if you meet the following requirements:

    • Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with a Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR) and same state ATPL examinations credits - obtained without exemption or conversion

      * CPL holder, must be eligible for HK ATPL on conversion

      * For ATPL Conversion you must have 500 hours P1 U/S or 250 hours P1 and/or P1 U/S including at least 70 hours as P1

    • Minimum 1,500 hours total flying time (3,000 hours preferred)
    • 500 hours on civil registered transport aircraft certified for multi-crew operations according to the type certificate and having a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) > 45,000 kg
    • Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • ICAO English language proficiency Level 4 or above
    • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
    • Hong Kong Permanent Resident will be given priority consideration


    Ryanair Group are actively recruiting for the below positions;
    - B737 Rated First Officers - Several Bases
    - A320 Rated Captains and First Officers - Lauda Europe


    • Minimum 3,500 hours total flying time.
    • Minimum of 2,000 hours on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW with an established airline, cargo operator, private operator or military transport.
    • Minimum of 800 hours Pilot in Command (PIC) on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine jet aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg. (No PIC hours on Turboprop aircraft shall be considered).
    • Minimum of 500 hours PIC on B737 or A320 for applicable fleet (OCC).

    Experienced First Officers:

    • Minimum 1200 hours total flying time.
    • Minimum of 1000 hours operated in the capacity of a First Officer on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW with an established airline engaged in commercial air transport operations. (No Flight Instructor hours shall be considered).
    • Minimum of 800 hours on B737 or A320 for applicable fleet (OCC).


    WIZZ is looking for Captains (Rated and non rated A320), First Officers ( Rated and non rated) and Cadets Pilots.


    First Officer A320/321

    (Non-Type Rated - with low or without operational experience)

    If you would like to join our Flight Crew team as a non-type rated First Officer into the position of an Airbus A320/321 First Officer, please see below the requirements for applying:

    • Unrestricted right to live and work in the EU or Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
    • Valid EASA Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
    • Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • Valid Instrument Rating (IR) for Multi-Engine aeroplane (ME)
    • Last flight within the preceding 6 months
    • ATPL theory completed* (certificate or license endorsement as remark)
    • MCC course completed** (certificate or license endorsement as remark)
    • UPRT training completed*** (certificate and 3 hours TTL logbook entry on certified aircraft)
    • ICAO level 4/5/6 English proficiency
    • Total 145 hours actual flight time on fixed wing aircraft**** with integrated ATPL theory completed
      Total 200 hours actual flight time on fixed wing aircraft**** with CPL/IR training completed in modular system

    First Officer A320/321

    (Non-Type Rated) EXPERIENCED

    If you would like to join our Flight Crew team as a non-type rated First Officer into the position of an Airbus A320/321 First Officer, please see below the requirements for applying:

    • Unrestricted right to live and work in the EU or Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
    • Valid EASA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) or Commercial Pilot License(CPL)
    • Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • Valid Instrument Rating (IR) for Multi-Engine aeroplane (ME) or other Type Rating
    • Minimum 300 IFR flight hours in the last 12 months*
    • Last flight within the preceding 6 months (prefereble, not hard limit due to COVID-19 effects)
    • ATPL theory completed** (certificate or license endorsement as remark)
    • MCC course completed*** (certificate or license endorsement as remark)
    • JOC course completed**** (certificate or license endorsement as remark)
    • ICAO level 4/5/6 English proficiency

    Captain Airbus A320

    (Non-Type Rated)

    • Unrestricted right to live and work in the EU or Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
    • Valid EASA / UK CAA / GCAA UAE Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)
    • Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    • Valid Instrument Rating (IR) on any type
    • ICAO level 4/5/6 English proficiency
    • Minimum 3.500 factorized hours*
    • Last commercial flight within the preceding 6 months (prefereble, not hard limit due to COVID-19 effects)
      1.000 hours as Commander on Airbus FBW aircraft operating in airline environment**
      1.500 hours on CS25 turbojet aircraft with a MTOM > 50.000 kg AND 1000 hours as Commander on aircraft with a MTOM > 50.000 kg operating in airline environment**


    Qatar is looking for First Officers and Captains B737.

    FIRST OFFICERS Qualifications

    To be considered you are required to meet the below requirements:

    • Minimum 1000 hours on B737 NG (-600/700/800/900ER)/B747-400 (400F/-8/-8F)/B757/B767
    • Current ICAO ATPL or Frozen ATPL* with valid instrument rating on any of the above specified types and Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the same Authority (valid minimum 3 months after the start date, if successful)
    • *Valid ATPL Theoretical Knowledge results/certificate
    • Minimum English Language Proficiency level 4
    • Last flight on any of the above specified types within the past 12 months
    • ATPL holders only: 250 hours PIC (may be 70 hours PIC and 180 hours PICUS or 500 hours PICUS)
    • Interested candidates must complete the online application form and upload appropriate and accurate evidences.


    CAPTAINS Qualifications

    To be considered you are required to meet the below requirements:

    • Minimum 6000 hours total time on a Commercial Jet over 50T
    • Minimum 2000 hours of flight time as Pilot in Command (PIC) on a B737 NG (-600/700/800/900ER)/B747-400 (400F/-8/-8F)/B757/B767
    • Current ICAO ATPL with valid instrument rating on any of the above specified types and Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the same Authority (valid minimum 3 months after the start date, if successful)
    • Minimum English Language Proficiency level 4
    • Last flight on any of the above types within the past 12 months
    • Interested candidates must complete the online application form and upload appropriate and accurate evidences.


    QATAR is looking for Airbus First Officers and Captains and First Officers Boeing 777/787

    Airbus Type Rated First Officer

    • Minimum 1000 hours total time on a Commercial Jet over 30T

    • Minimum 500 hours on an Airbus FBW aircraft (A320/A330/A340/A350/A380)

    • Current ICAO ATPL or Frozen ATPL* with valid instrument rating on any of the above specified types and Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the same Authority (valid minimum 2 months after the start date, if successful)

    • *Valid ATPL Theoretical Knowledge results/certificate

    • Minimum English Language Proficiency level 4

    • Last flight on any of the above specified types within the past 12 months

    • ATPL holders only: 250 hours PIC (may be 70 hours PIC and 180 hours PICUS or 500 hours PICUS)

    B777 / B787 Type Rated First Officer

    • Minimum 1000 hours total time on a Commercial Jet over 30T

    • Minimum 500 hours on B777 or B787

    • Current ICAO ATPL or Frozen ATPL* with valid B777/B787 instrument rating and Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the same Authority (valid minimum 2 months after the start date, if successful)

    • *Valid ATPL Theoretical Knowledge results/certificate

    • Minimum English Language Proficiency level 4

    • Last flight on B777/B787 within the past 12 months

    • ATPL holders only: 250 hours PIC (may be 70 hours PIC and 180 hours PICUS or 500 hours PICUS)


    B777 / B787 Type Rated Captain

    • Minimum 6000 hours total time on a Commercial Jet over 50T

    • Minimum 1000 hours of flight time as Pilot in Command (PIC) on B777 or B787 (or combination of hours on types for mixed fleet flying pilots)

    • Current ICAO ATPL with valid B777/B787 instrument rating and Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the same Authority (valid minimum 2 months after the start date, if successful)

    • Minimum English Language Proficiency level 4

    • Last flight on B777/B787 within the past 12 months



    FIRST OFFICER Requirements

    To qualify for this opportunity, you will need experience on multi-engine, multi-crew aircraft with:

    • Minimum of 2000 hrs on MTOW ≥ 20T OR Minimum of 3000 hrs on MTOW between 10T & 20TA 
    • valid ICAO ATPL with an unrestricted class one medical certificate issued by the same authority
    • English language fluency to ICAO English level 4 or above
    • Flown at least 150 hrs within the last 12 months at time of joining on an aircraft with MTOW ≥ 10T


    To qualify for this opportunity, you will need to have a minimum of 7000 hours on multi-crew, multi-engine aircraft.

    On top of this you will need to have:

    • Minimum of 3000 hrs command time on multi-crew, multi-engine commercial jet aircraft with MTOW of 50 tonnes or more
    • A valid ICAO ATPL with an unrestricted class one medical certificate issued by the same authority
    • Currently type rated as a commander on an aircraft such as B737, A320 or larger
    • Fluency in English, equivalent to ICAO English level 5 or above
    • Flown at least 150 hrs in command within the last 12 months at time of joining


    To become one of our A380 or B777 Captains, you will need a minimum of 7000 hrs total flying time multi- crew, multi- engine (only time in the operating seat of a turboprop and/or turbojet aircraft can be counted; not simulator time).

    On top of this you will need to have:

    Airbus A380

    • Minimum of 3000 hrs command time on multi-crew, multi-engine commercial jet aircraft with MTOW of 50 tonnes or more
    • Most recent 1500 hours to be command on Airbus FBW wide-body, long-haul (A330/A340/A350/A380)
    • Previous experience must include A380 command
    • Flown at least 150 hrs in command within the last 12 months at time of joining
    • A valid ICAO ATPL with an unrestricted class one medical certificate issued by the same authority
    • Fluency in English, equivalent to ICAO English level 5 or above

    Boeing 777

    • Minimum of 3000 hrs command time on multi-crew, multi-engine commercial jet aircraft with MTOW of 50 tonnes or more
    • Most recent 1000 hours to be command on Boeing wide-body, long-haul (B767/747/777/787) within the past 3 years
    • Flown at least 150 hrs in command within the last 12 months at time of joining
    • A valid ICAO ATPL with an unrestricted class one medical certificate issued by the same authority
    • Fluency in English, equivalent to ICAO English level 5 or above


    LAUDA EUROPE are actively recruiting A320 Rated Captains and First Officers for bases in the UK and Europe.


    • Minimum 3,500 hours total flying time.
    • Minimum of 2,000 hours on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW with an established airline, cargo operator, private operator or military transport.
    • Minimum of 800 hours Pilot in Command (PIC) on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine jet aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg. (No PIC hours on Turboprop aircraft shall be considered).
    • Minimum of 500 hours PIC on B737 or A320 for applicable fleet (OCC).

    Experienced First Officers:

    • Minimum 1200 hours total flying time.
    • Minimum of 1000 hours operated in the capacity of a First Officer on a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft weighing in excess of 30,000kg MTOW with an established airline engaged in commercial air transport operations. (No Flight Instructor hours shall be considered).
    • Minimum of 800 hours on B737 or A320 for applicable fleet (OCC).


    Eurowings is the low-cost airline of the Lufthansa Group and thus part of the world's largest aviation group.

    We are looking for First Officers (m/f/diverse)  NON RATED AND RATED A320-Family for Eurowings Europe GmbH in Prague for an initial fixed term contract (24 months).

    Qualifications and Requirements

    • EASA ATPL (A) or CPL (A) with ATPL credit or MPL (A) without operator bonding (German or Austrian License is appreciated)
    • Preferably with A320 type rating
    • Multi engine IR rating
    • Advanced UPRT Training according EASA.FCL.745.A
    • MCC
    • Entrance qualification for an (advanced) technical college, high school degree, university entrance exam or completed vocational training
    • Good oral and written command of English language (min. ICAO-Language Proficiency Level 4)
    • Medical Class I
    • Negative drug test
    • Valid background check
    • EU-citizenship, Non-EU citizens: residence and work permit for Czech Republic
    • Unrestricted validity of passport